Girls @ S4F
S4F has a service specifically for girls. This is in recognition of the fact that, although boys have challenges too, there are impacts on girls that require specific understanding and targeted support.
Girls@S4F works with anyone identifying as a girl or young woman between the age of 12-18 yrs
The project provides a safe and confidential space for girls affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). ACEs include their own or a parent or carer’s mental health issues, any kind of abuse or neglect, parental/carer separation, significant loss, a parent or carer’s drug or alcohol misuse, someone significant being in prison or experience of domestic abuse
The counselling service is run by a qualified and experienced youth counsellor. You can refer yourself to the service on the details below, or you can ask a parent/carer, GP or other support worker to make a referral for you.
Activity Group
The group meets twice a month and activities include crafting, cooking, outings and workshops, and provides a safe space for girls to meet together, to socialise and have some fun. Girls who fit the criteria can choose either service or both. We are based in Stirling Boys Club, 36 St John Street, Stirling FK8 1EA
To find out more contact Shona on 07770 018526